What is an editor?

Photo by Karen Lau.

Photo by Karen Lau.

“Editor” is a word that gets tossed around all the time, but many people remain understandably confused about what an editor’s job actually entails. The purpose of this long-overdue post, then, is to clear up at least some of that confusion.

Independent or In-house?

There are a couple ways to classify editors, but the first thing to know is whether they are independent or in-house. As suggested by the name, in-house editors work for a traditional publishing house. Their jobs involve both preparing accepted manuscripts for publication and reviewing solicited manuscripts. If you are traditionally published, they will probably be your primary contact at your publisher.

In contrast, independent editors work on a contract basis for writers. These are the people you will typically send your manuscript to before either submitting to agents or self-publishing.

Developmental, line, or copy?

Editors may also specialize in a particular kind of editing. At a traditional publisher, your manuscript should go through three general stages: developmental, line, and copy editing.

Developmental, or content, edits look at big-picture issues and can include things like plot and character development, timeline consistency, and, really, anything that could require major revisions to your book.

Once the general shape of your novel has been solidified, the manuscript will move on to line edits. Line edits focus on language and writing style, including phrasing, clarity, tone, and the general leanness of the text.

The final stage is copy editing. Copy editors are looking at the minute details of punctuation, grammar, spelling, and formatting style.

There can, of course, be overlap between these stages, especially line and copy edits, and editors who identify primarily as copy editors may take a broader view of their jobs.

Photo by Etienne Pauthenet.

Ideally, self-published authors will also either hire multiple editors to handle the different stages of the editing process or else hire one editor for multiple passes. In reality, though, many writers balk at the prospect of shelling out for more than one editorial pass, if they are willing/able to hire a professional editor at all. As a result, some independent editors (like myself) will offer more comprehensive single-pass edits that address developmental, line, and copy editing all at once. The obvious problem with this is that there is no professional follow-up edit to check the subsequent changes or catch anything missed on the first pass. In these cases, the final editing responsibility ultimately falls on the author.

Fortunately, writers in the pre-submission stage should not need the same level of thoroughness before sending to agents or publishers. Yes, you want your manuscript in great shape before sending it off. But once you actually land a contract, your novel will endure many additional revisions, first (probably) from your agent, and then from your publisher. Instead, writers looking to hire an independent editor as a prelude to traditional publication should understand what kind of edits they really need and be clear from the outset about what they are looking for. Doing so will save them time, effort, and, potentially, money.

The in-between

Although independent and in-house editors represent the far ends of the career spectrum, many of us actually fall somewhere in between.

For instance, I am both an independent editor and editor for the indie publisher Drum Tower Press. Whereas an editor at a traditional press would have final say over what edits must get made before a book is ready for publication, my role at Drum Tower is essentially supportive to the author/founder, P. A. De Voe. In other words, at Drum Tower, the author runs the show, taking input from her editor and readers and then making the final decisions about her publications. That power is, after all, why writers often choose to self-publish. But while most indie authors must contract out for editing, the editing at Drum Tower is done by one of its co-founders (me) in-house.

Today’s publishing landscape is filled with a plethora of publishing options, from large traditional publishers, to boutique houses, to scrappy micro and indie presses. In response, the roles of editors have become nearly as diverse. But regardless of the specifics of our jobs, all editors share a desire to polish the author’s work to its finest shine before it enters the broader world, and thereby give that work its best chance of success.