
Figures of Ravenna

Ceiling of the Neonian Baptistery, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Ceiling of the Neonian Baptistery, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with creepy, crouching putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with creepy, crouching putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Two bone figurines in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Two bone figurines in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Winged Death in the Basilica San Giovanni Battista, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Winged Death in the Basilica San Giovanni Battista, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

17th century icon of St. George and the Dragon by Emanuele Tzane from Rethymnon, in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

17th century icon of St. George and the Dragon by Emanuele Tzane from Rethymnon, in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Bone objects from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Ravenna National Museum depicting two lovers exchanging gifts, Jason sailing on the sea, and a dragon. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Bone objects from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Ravenna National Museum depicting two lovers exchanging gifts, Jason sailing on the sea, and a dragon. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with wreathed putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Architectural fragment with wreathed putto in the Ravenna National Museum. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Ceiling of the Arian Baptistery, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Ceiling of the Arian Baptistery, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Ravenna interiors

Sixth century Byzantine mosaics juxtaposed with eighteenth century Baroque painting in the Basilica di San Vitale, Ravenna. The mosaic medallions along the central arch depict Jesus, the Twelve Apostles, and the two sainted sons of Saint Vitale, Ger…

Sixth century Byzantine mosaics juxtaposed with eighteenth century Baroque painting in the Basilica di San Vitale, Ravenna. The mosaic medallions along the central arch depict Jesus, the Twelve Apostles, and the two sainted sons of Saint Vitale, Gervasius and Protasius. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Goldfish in the flooded crypt of the Basilica di San Francesco, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Goldfish in the flooded crypt of the Basilica di San Francesco, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Arian Baptistry, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Arian Baptistry, Ravenna, Italy. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Red and white marble tomb of Ostasio da Polenta (d. 1396) in Basilica di San Francesco, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Red and white marble tomb of Ostasio da Polenta (d. 1396) in Basilica di San Francesco, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Looking up at the 5th century mosaics in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Looking up at the 5th century mosaics in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Window in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Window in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Basilica di San Vitale, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.

Basilica di San Vitale, Ravenna. Photo by Renée DeVoe Mertz.